
Thursday, August 5, 2010

change of format: if its the land of the morning calm then why do i feel so nervous?

so i haven't made a new post since april. that's what...like 4 months ago? a long time. despite what the lull might suggest, i have been watching movies and listening to music, but things have been happening dear readers. big things. things so big that they will most likely hijack the format of this collection of thoughts.

it's time to come clean. i have decided to leave the comforts of the united states of america - the fast food, the interstate highways, down pillows, the shitty broadband internet - and head to the deep jungles of south korea. concrete jungles, friends. as of august 17th i will be off to the land of the morning calm to teach it's ambitious youth the wonders of the english language. "but why? they're at a dangerous precipice with north korea and you lack any basic understanding of the english language," you might be saying to yourself. and it's true, any instruction i provide is bound to create nothing more than a legion of jeff boomhauer's. but it's out of my hands! i've already been accepted. the paperwork has already been signed. i bought a passport wallet for god sakes. a wallet specifically design with a passport in mind! its so international it makes me want to puke. but it's true. your intrepid reporter, your friend, your fantasy lover is off to the opposite side of the globe, and thanks to my selflessness - this curse that is journalism! - you'll be right there with me every step of the way.

that doesn't mean i will no longer comment on movies and/or music. expect more of that! but also expect snapshots of me face down in a plate of bulgogi at 3am. expect letters mashed frantically, even angrily, after a long day of frustration and miscommunication. expect funny signs translated terribly into english. yes, it's a scary time for making up syllables, but its also an exciting time. especially for you, dear readers. you who will reap the fruits of this endeavor.

expect more in the coming days, including details on the program and the interview process as well as pre-trip thoughts and concerns.


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