
Thursday, January 28, 2010

♫: alton ellis - i'm still in love with you (1967)

so i think in addition to the movie posts im going to start upping songs from time to time that i particularly love or are just in the moment type things. it feels like a logical progression from the movie-related music videos i've already been posting. so without further ado...

this song is hardly more than six words repeated over and over but those six words are so affecting in their repetition, so moving in their insistence, it's hard not to be overwhelmed by the sincerity of it. it's almost painful to listen to. alton ellis might possibly be my all-time favorite reggae singer. he mixes ska and soul so beautifully together. or as youtube commenter nordec45 puts it, "the king of rocksteady, the wonderful star of jamaica!!!!"


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