
Thursday, February 11, 2010

thirst (2009)

enough with these serious movies! let's watch korean films about vampires! thirst comes from the same guy who brought us old boy, so i imagined a lot of vampires fighting people with hammers. i was disappointed. no live octopi eating though. small favors.

i've never seen twilight so i can't really comment on it except i think its about sexy vampires. thirst is kind of also about sexy vampires but it also has a "story." here's an analogy i just now came up with: twilight is to pulpy romance novels as thirst is to the eternal lightness of being. very different yet...also similar? like i said i haven't seen the sexy vampire movie so i can't say for sure, but since nobody is here to argue me i will say yes. good analogy. thank you. you're welcome.

there is a very clear division in the movie, almost like it was made by two different people. the first half starts off as a pretty interesting parable that relates vampirism to religion and faith and miracle working...and by the second half it takes a turn for the crazy, or maybe metaphysical and i just don't get it. is it a critique on marriage? a refute of adultery (is the act vampirism a form of adultery - having multiple partners, exchanging fluids, getting diseases)? commentary on domestic living? an examination of guilt reminiscent of poe? maybe all of the above. it's hard to say.

i guess it's worth noting it is the first mainstream korean film to feature full-frontal adult male nudity. balls in your court now, robert pattinson.

now for lots of images:


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