
Sunday, October 10, 2010

♫: otis redding - these arms of mine (1964)

i can't believe i haven't made an otis redding post yet. have i? i'm pretty sure "i've been loving you too long" was meant to be the inaugural music post on here but i guess it slipped through the cracks. and now look what happens! i go and choose a completely different song. how i came about chosing this song is actually kind of funny. i decided to take a nap after returning home from the lantern festival yesterday and left the tv on. when i woke up a korean movie was playing. in the particular scene, a korean man was making love to a disinterested woman who was staring blankly at the ceiling. the music that happened to be playing during this awkward love making was this song, "these arms of mine." which is weird, because this song is not at all about awkward love. it's love is passionate, a little desperate even. my favorite part is the addition of the surfer/garage rock guitar that shows up in little teases throughout. (okay so i guess thats not really ha-ha funny...)


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