
Thursday, November 4, 2010

let's play with english

as i alluded to in my last post, all last week we had an english language experience (entitled, "let's play with english"), which meant all the classes had to try and introduce english into their lessons and we threw a big halloween party for every grade. i was responsible for helping the teachers create halloween themed games and activities for their classrooms and hosting the halloween party (with its own set of games and activities). this would have been fine if it was just for a day or two, but 5 straight days of halloween parties (1 party for each class in each grade, so 6 grades...that makes around...20 parties!) turned me into a teaching zombie. if there's an up-side at least it was appropriate for the lesson topic.

the main activity was a trick-or-treat game which loaded the kids up on candy (really it was only around 5 pieces each, but to them that's a lot), so regardless of whether they actually learned anything i think they had fun. but there were a few other games as well, such as a mummy wrap, a spider-web word game, and a zombie rock, paper, scissors game. most of the pictures are from the mummy wrap which involved only the first and second graders. they're the most photogenic of the bunch anyways.


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