
Sunday, December 26, 2010

christmas with koreans

in the words of the great frank wheeler:

"although we may not be home in england for christmas, or any of our respective countries, we're here with our new friends in korea. and i can't think of a better christmas gift this year than being here with my new family, all of you."

yes, it brings a tear to my eye too. christmas this year was held in korea. there were around 25 people in attendance, 15 of which were koreans, 13 of which had never tasted turkey. games were played, some involving mouths precariously close to one another; foods were eaten of both eastern (ddokbokgi) and western (turkey, stuffing) varieties; fun was had. later there was dancing. beer was consumed. hearts were broken (on and off the dance floor).

christmas in korea ain't half bad. but it's still no christmas in the u.s. miss you all! merry christmas and happy new year!

skyping on christmas with weirdos.

she's a cholla. she'll cut you.


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