
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

videos of koreans dancing

neither are very good. the first is of two "narrator models" dancing in front of an adidas store. they tell a story with their dance! and sell shoes. the second is a (cellphone) video of a korean club. if you look carefully you might be able to make out the steps of the much practiced "daegu dance." (1)

(1*) how to learn the daegu dance:

1. raise arms in the air, elbows bent at a 90 degree angle to the sides. curl you hands into a fist and leave them slightly limp. you should look like you're about to lift some kind of wimpy childs weight. or maybe holding a couple of shopping bags up around your head for some reason.

2. now its just a simple 2 step, hiking in motion type maneuver with your feet. but make sure to put some hip and shoulder action in there. the strong the shoulder pumping the better.

3. meanwhile, your limp, imaginary-shopping-bag-holding hands should be moving from side to side with your head. now it might resemble someone who is flossing incredibly hard so that each tug of the floss jerks their head with it. if you're the type to lose all abandon, now is the time to do so.

4. now find 30 of your closest friends, or just anyone, and stand in rows, everyone doing the same dance like robots in a chorus line. congratulations! you're doing the daegu dance.


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