
Thursday, October 6, 2011

too much of the 90's

the summer before i left for korea i set out on the pointless endeavor of compiling a massive list of classic 90's song. i know, all music from the 90's is classic. this is what i thought too and it took quite a long time to get a good list going. i decided to leave some songs out just because i had a bone to pick or something but the list ended up being 225 songs long anyway. and by the time i was finished i was pretty sick of 90's music, but over a year later i'm revisiting it, and its pretty great! so i thought i'd finally share the fruits of my labor. i didn't really make sure these were top quality files or go in and clean up the file names so if you're a music freak you're going to go crazy but its a good start at least.

let me know if you notice any glaring gaps and ill try to update.

too much of the 90's (225 songs)


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