
Friday, June 20, 2014

books: the goldfinch

it’s actually been quite awhile since i finished this so i suppose its a bit counter to the whole point of writing these little write ups, but for completion sake i guess i’ll make a few observations.

the goldfinch by donna tart is quite a dense book and features some lovely passages about craft. there are some obvious parallels between the description of technique, detail, and focus in regards to hobie's work and the book itself and ms. tart's devotion to the subject matter.

in reading commentary about game of thrones many of the books’ readers have complained about martin’s sometimes overly descriptive passages, such as his fondness for illustrating meals (not really that surprising), and although ms. tart does sometimes verge on providing too much sometimes it is in service of art. after all a picture is worth a thousands words and so on and this is a book about a painting. it does create some dull bits here and there however.

overall a dramatic telling of a personal tragedy sprung out of control. the end gets a little manic and the final act seems a bit too movie ending of a send off, but nothing to diminish the whole.


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