
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

mt with td in yd

or expanded, membership training with training day in yeongdeok. training day, or td, is the conversation club i sometimes go to (as in once in the last 5 months, but whatever, i'm still a prized part of the membership) and last weekend they put together a weekend trip to yeongdeok for membership training. membership training is sort of a catch-all for any event where a group of people go somewhere and do something. training may or may not be included. in this case, unless we were training our kidneys and livers to push themselves, it was not. what was included was bbq, baseball, drinking, animal noises, chopstick dexterity challenges, fun with funions, guitar playing, beach stumbling, late-night soccer game watching, and gigantic wind turbines.

The view from our pension.

gami and my boy, jinho - dude's gotta rocket side arm, and yes, that is a jack daniels hat

pass the peas game using chopsticks. to make it fair for the foreigners, the koreans had to use their opposite hand, but i'm so pro i did it with my left as well.

now is as good a time as any to say that my team didn't win a single game the entire night. i blame the other foreigner.

passin' funions on chocolate coated cookie sticks. look at the determination and preparation involved. not for chumps.

the funion face balance contest. most participants ended up looking like snack-food african royalty, with all sort of hoop embellishments and fancy head-pieces.

if i'm lyin i'm dyin!

bunch of john denvers. i never went into this room because what am i going to do with a bunch of koreans singing korean ballads on an acoustic guitar except punch them in the face? not acceptable behavior, btw.

some park...

some park with huge wind turbines. there was also a line of various military aircraft lining the field, which if you look closely you should be able to see. not sure how the two are connected.


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