
Saturday, June 18, 2011

north korea - a day in the life (2004)

although filmed only seven years ago, if you didn't know any better you might think this movie was made sometime in the 80's. probably in east berlin. north korea - a day in the life gives you exactly what it claims to be, although through a very rose-colored glass. it follows the family of hong sun hui, a worker in a textile factory, and her family. my favorite is the crotchety old grandpa - highly decorated veteran of the korean war with a pretty large axe to grind against them american dogs! apparently, the film-maker, pieter fleury, was only allowed to shoot this film if the images were carefully controlled by the government's top dogs. and it shows in every big toothed smile and with every proud cheer to the beloved leader. but if this is the best - the ideal family - that north korea can put together for us, it really makes you wonder what we aren't allowed to see (and for that i'd suggest you look at this really fantastic article out of the atlanic). but fleury is adept at letting the camera linger just enough, to flush out just enough nuance in it's subjects, to make the film seem slightly subversive despite the efforts to make it a perfectly manicured ode to the north korean way of life. it even seems that because of these efforts, we are allowed to see just how ridiculous this message truly is - in a country where everything is being controlled, it feels as if everything is out of control.

at roughly 45 minutes, it's a quick watch. but i definitely recommend it if you can get your hands on a copy. it was one of the most fascinating things i've seen all year, real or fiction.

(the english classroom scenes are hilarious)

amen! preach it sister!


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