
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

hello chalkboard #1 (and #2)

so i painted a chalkboard onto one of my walls. i thought it would help my productivity and organization skills but really, so far, it's main function has been welcoming guests. to clarify, i wrote the word "hello" nice and big so its the first thing people see when they come in (aside from the horrible carpet) (but it doesn't matter because nobody comes over anyway) (because of the horrible heat) (and maybe the horrible carpet) (but not, i should hope, as a poor reflection of my character or hospitality). i didn't really think much of it at first. i was bored one day and decided to fill up the space. i went a little graphic on it, nothing obsessive, fairly imperfect actually. in all honesty i don't even like typography that much (which is sort of sacrilege for a designer).

but recently i thought to myself, "why not make this a thing?" not a big thing really, just a thing to do every once in awhile. i get bored every once in awhile and this helps in two ways: 1. the drawing of the word and 2. making a post about it. so here i am kicking it off. the image above, and i do apologize for my photography skills, is the inaugural "hello." a "hello" that didn't even know it was part of a series. the image below is the most recent change. the first in the understood series. both are kind of lazy and make use of negative space to suggest the letterforms. both are clearly flawed. but i'm hoping in time, should i keep it up, this categorizing of "hello's" will show an improvement in letter crafting and creativity, as well as a growing love for typography.

*just a quick edit: i should mention this is all just freehand. i dont really grid it out or lay down a light framework first. overtime maybe these are practices i'll adopt but as of right now im just kind of winging it.


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