
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

jiro dreams of sushi (2011)

this will be one part movie review and one part sushi study guide. jiro dreams of sushi highlights the life and accolades of the most respected sushi chef in the world, jiro ono. while the movie itself is a captivating look at one man's life, it also serves as a bit of an intro into the entire structure of the sushi economy.

jiro's life is one of solitary purpose. i think what audiences find so captivating, aside from the sharp cinematography and dramatic orchestral score, is the singularity of his determination. and, perhaps more importantly, how outside of himself it appears to be. jiro does not make excellent sushi as a credit to himself, rather, he makes excellent sushi as a credit to the very act of making sushi. and even while his work ethic may border on obsession, his genius seems hardly undeniable. it begs the question though – can hard work eventually create works of genius or is this just the story of a man who found exactly what he was meant to do?

at any rate, the entire movie, which is maybe only an hour and a half, is no less than food porn set to a magnificent score. if you can sit through the entire thing and not want to savor the taste of fresh fish on a bed of rice then i dont want to know you.

japanese philosophy 101  

 samurai, no longer useful in government, have been forced into other trades (or, fuck yeah that guy is using a katana to cut fish)

 is it easier to have this mentality when preparing sushi than, say, making advertisements for a healthcare network?
 no doubt a contender, but perhaps you have yet to see this guy.

 oh, but, sorry tuna...
 jiro and the gang

and now we've come to the portion of the post where we learn a little bit of japanese, make ourselves potentially look cool in front of our friends ("yes i'll have the chu-toro please. oh what, you guys have never heard of that?"), and get a little hungry in the process. all of this can be yours in real life for the low, low price of $300 or so. 


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