
Thursday, August 28, 2014

what not to read on summer vacation (fiji pt. 7/fin)

this last morning i was supposed to go underwater caving. how cool does that sound? pretty cool i think. but due to some legalese island mumbo jumbo about boats and vouchers that seemed all too complicated i went with the massage instead. i listened to the waves, felt the cool breeze, was rubbed with exotic oils. it was an acceptable consolation prize.

and wouldn't you know it, on this last full day of vacation, the skies opened and the sun shone down. what further activities did i have in store to soak up these unfettered rays? why, a 5 hour boat ride back to the harbor of course. the charm of a water shuttle quickly dries up past the 2 hour mark but i was able to tap into the boats free wifi (not sure how that works) so i could hop on facebook and make an appropriate comment on robin william's passing and the phenomenon of people dumping buckets of ice on their head. a whooollleee newww woooorllddd.

i also made incredible progress into the book i was reading, the emperor of all maladies, a biography of cancer. yes, that cancer. i don't think you'll find that in your library under summer reading. you won't see too many people sipping pina coladas around the pool with it either. because as interesting as the story is its also a terrible downer. but on the plus side i did learn a lot about something that has become a common presence in my life, and like an unwanted guest at the dinner table, i thought that learning a little bit more about it might make it seem tolerable.

back on the main island i ran into a couple i had met along the way. they had in the course of a single night become the closest of friends with a small group of english travelers. they were beyond facebook friends. they knew about each others sex lives, overcoming childhood obesity, single friends back home who would be perfect for one another...i mistakingly thought they had somehow knew one another previously they spoke with such casual familiarity. it was like life was presenting its argument to my earlier complaint of the futility of island friendships. it was life saying, "hey buddy, those sour grapes could be a fine wine if you weren't such an asshole." we'll see life, we'll see.

there were talks about getting real drunk and going to some karaoke joint but that seemed simplify into just getting real drunk and passing out in the 32 person dorm. fair enough. the next day my flight didn't take off until late evening so i had most of the day to lie around and burrow deeper into depress...i mean my book. i savored every sunny moment because i knew as soon as i stepped on that plane i wouldn't be outside of a jet or airport for the next 30 hours.

two transfers, two layovers, 30 hours later. i was home. hoo boy.


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