
Monday, September 1, 2014

books: eclipse

what is the term for this kind of book? literary fiction? how do you define literary merit and then apply that objectively to a book? well anyway, i think most people would agree this falls into that category. capital "L" literature. its a book about the human condition. about suffering and being haunted by the past and by ghosts and an actor so devoted to his roles that he never took the time to understand his true self. i suppose anyone who avoids that sort of self-examination is bound for a breakdown sooner or later and sure enough that is what happens to story's protagonist.

the writing is composed of dense descriptive paragraphs full of weighty vocabulary. time is never at a constant and as confused as the narrators thoughts. it is a book where not much happens but much is written about what does and how the past is coded in everything. overall a good book with good passages and good words but not a book that will leave a great impression on myself.


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